Friday, October 23, 2009

Some new videos!

Here are a few videos from the last week for those of you that aren't on facebook. We got a bubble blower from the Celoria's for John's birthday. Really the gift was for Lainey, but Daddy has fun with it too. Landis loves them as much as Lainey does!

And on the 20th, we filled the baby pool and went for a swim. Lainey loves to play in the water. Bath time is her favorite time, so what could be better than a bath in the sun? It's amazing to me that we can go swimming at the end of October here while most of the rest of the country is complaining about how cold it is. Lainey loves to blow bubbles in the water and is very proud of herself, as you can see!

Thanks for watching!

1 comment:

Jessica Jenkins said...

Oh my gosh... this is too much! I think the blowing bubbles in the pool might be my favorite one so far. She is such a crack up!