Sunday, October 18, 2009

Learning so much!

Lainey is picking up almost a word or sign per day these days. John and I want to sit down and write down all the words she knows so that we have a record of it for her first birthday. Just as an example, this week she learned the sign for bath and says "ba" (bath) and "buh-buh" (bubble). She is also attempting the sign for dance. Will takes her dancing almost every day. So far, her favorite is the waltz. We'll have to get this on video in the next few days. Lainey loves her 'Uncle Will' and asks him to hold her all the time so that they can dance. When he puts her down, she keeps dancing with her baby. It's really cute.

Lainey had a fever this week and seems to have a little bit of an intestinal bug. We are watching her carefully for dehydration, but she is drinking water and nursing well. She's refusing almost all of her solid foods though. Hopefully when this little illness passes, she'll be back to eating well. I was beginning to wean her, but I think we'll have to put that on hold until she is feeling better as I don't want her to become dehydrated.

We leave next Sunday for California. John will be having hip surgery on the 29th and we are celebrating Lainey's first birthday with the family!! It should be an eventful trip to say the least!

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