Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Do you want to go to bed?

I used this threat tonight when Lainey didn't have her listening ears on. She was outside and it was time to come in. She didn't want to come inside. I've been trying to use counting to three less often as it has become a bit of a crutch, but I don't like just dropping a consequence without at least some kind of warning. So after asking her to come inside and telling her I needed her to listen, I pulled the bed card. "If you can't listen you'll have to go straight to bed. Do you want to go to bed?" The funny thing is, she said yes. So off to bed we went and she didn't complain once about the going to bed part. She lost out on helping feed the dogs dinner and that was a little upsetting to her, but she knows that she lost a "pivilege" for not listening. She's answered yes to this question one other time with the same result. That time was even more shocking though because we were at Pop-Pop and Noni's house and it was an hour before bed time. I never expect her to say yes, but I guess when you're tired, you're tired!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Lainey has named her first doll. Perida is her name. I have no idea where the name came from or how she came up with it, but it's definitely this one doll's name. And it's kind of funny because if you change the spelling it becomes a Spanish word... Perrita. It means small female dog if you translate literally, but it's usage is more along the lines of the term for female dog in English slang. There's no changing it now, so hopefully we don't offend any Spanish speaking people in the next few years. We'll just be very careful not to roll the "r" and pronounce the ending with a D, not a T. :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We are planning to go Christmas caroling with some friends this weekend. There are going to be two kids, Lainey and Landon. Landon is 3 and knows a lot more Christmas songs that Lainey does. So we chose three songs to practice this week. So far, it's been very funny, but not very accurate. :) Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Jingle Bells, and Away in a Manger are our three songs. Lainey knows the tune for Hark, but won't sing the words. I just get a mishmash of Dees, Dahs, and Nahs to the tune. That's probably because the Peanuts Christmas album starts with the kids humming the song before they sing the words.

But the best so far has been her rendition of Jingle Bells. I'm trying my best to capture it on camera, but have been unsuccessful thus far. Here's how she sings it, "Tinkerbells, Tinkerbells, all the way in a manger." It's so funny! No matter how much I enunciate Jingle, she still says Tinker. We'll try again tomorrow for some video action. Hopefully she'll perform for us.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Considering a new blog title

Life here is going to be more than Living with Lainey. I'm going to need a new blog title! I thought about starting a whole new blog since babyhudginsnews doesn't quite seem to fit. But, I think I'll stick with the blog url and just change the title. Any suggestions? I think I'd like to encompass our whole family. If I'm blogging about more than just the kids, I may actually post more often. :)