Monday, April 15, 2013

So funny

Last night as we drove home from my Dad's birthday dinner, Lainey said one of the funniest things I think she's ever said.  It was bedtime and we had some piano music going in the car to help the kids mellow out.

Lainey: "Mom?"
Me: "Yes, Lainey?"
L: "I think I have a lady bug in my pants."
Me: "Oh?"
L: "I'm going to sleep."

And she did.  John and I were cracking up all the way home.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tracking milestones

I realize I've missed a few milestones for the kids, so here's a few things that have happened recently that I don't want to forget...

-Joel has been rolling like a mad man for about a month. And in the last two weeks has been able to hold himself sitting up.

-Brooke started cutting her eye teeth (finally!) about a month ago. They're about halfway in at this point.

-Joel has been sleeping 8 hours at night pretty consistently for the last month. Now just waiting for those 10-12 hour nights so that I can both get some sleep and get some downtime. :)

-Lainey had another dentist appointment last week and her teeth look great. She's done a great job at the dentist so far and we're hoping she's never afraid of it like a lot of people are. He says she'll need braces someday, probably around age 11. Time to start saving for that bill!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Joel's First sign

It's official! We thought he was catching on a few days ago. He proved it without a doubt tonight. Here's Joel at 5 months old (5 days short of 6 months) signing and understanding "MILK."

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First foods

Joel is really interested in eating with us now. I'm following more of a Baby Led Weaning model this time around. I did the same with the girls to an extent, but they got purees and cereals sometimes. I don't know if I'll do that with Joel or not. It's kind of a pain. ;) So far he's tried and liked, zucchini, broccoli, bell peppers, and carrots!