Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Many firsts

As a newborn, just about everything is a first for LaineyBug. We had our first bath, our first time at church, and our first walk in the stroller this week! The bath was not so fun according to Lainey. But today I put her in the bath with me and it was by far more enjoyable. I'm sure Lainey felt very insecure in that bathtub all by herself. We also went on our first outdoor stroller ride today. It was a really nice day here in Arizona. Sunny, a little breezy, and just the right temperature. Freddy sure was happy to join us on our first walk as a family. He's been a little bored these last few weeks. Lainey really seemed to enjoy our walk too. It's the Daily Lainey video for today. She did get a little bit overwhelmed toward the end and needed some Mommy cuddles to help her drift off to sleep.

Another first this week was going to church. That was an interesting endeavor... trying to time feedings and getting ready and getting to church on time. We made it though! Lainey's eyes got big when the music started, but she just looked at me and listened to the band. I think she's pretty used to hearing a rocking electric guitar and drums, although it was probably a little more muffled the last time she heard them. She fell asleep when the sermon started (sorry Jonathan... I thought your sermon this week was awesome!).

The most exciting first this week is that Lainey slept for seven hours last night! Who knows if we'll get a repeat of that any time soon, but it was nice to sleep. I was a little worried when I woke up by myself and it was light outside. Lainey still hadn't stirred much, but was starting the stretching and yawning phase of waking up. She's only been catnapping today, so I think we may have another long stretch of sleep tonight. However, she may have started without us. She fell asleep around 6:00 tonight and isn't showing signs of waking up yet. And forget trying to wake her up. She can sleep through anything. Once she decides she's sleeping, that's that. And with that, I am off to grab whatever Zzzz's I can before she does decide to join the waking world. Until next time!


Anonymous said...

Amanda, you're such a great writer. Can't wait to watch today's video. That's awesome she slept for 7 hours! I hope it happens again tonight! Love to all of you...Mimi and Pops (?) :)

Lisa Foto said...

Wow.....7 hours! That would be nice to repeat soon......Hope it can be tonight. We need to figure out how to post John's Lainey Lullaby so everyone can hear it. It is so good.