We went to see a lactation consultant today to help us with our breastfeeding struggles. I think we have some good tips now that will hopefully bring me some relief while getting Lainey what she needs. I never knew it could be painful to start. Pictures of breastfeeding moms always look so peaceful and sweet. We will get there though!
Mimi Janiece and Auntie Schmi will be heading back to California tomorrow. It was so nice to have them here to help with meals, housekeeping, and laundry. And of course to spoil little Lainey. She's going to get so used to being held I don't know what she'll do when we can't hold her 24/7! We will miss having our family around. We've had someone here for nearly three weeks! But the good news is that we will be in California for Thanksgiving, likely staying through Christmas. (I need to make sure she won't need any doctor's appointments in between or arrange to see someone in CA.) And then we are going to Albuquerque and Dallas to see John's side of the family. I really hope that we can make a trip to Ohio and Pennsylvania soon to see my Dad's side. We really miss you guys!!
I still can't get over how precious this little girl is. She's so sweet and cuddly. I love just holding her and watching her sleep. After she burps she snuggles into my neck and I just can't put her down! Here's a picture of us yesterday. My snuggly Lainey-Bug!
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