Friday, April 25, 2008

It's A.....

Baby! We still don't know boy or girl though! Our appointment went well today. All measurements were right on and everything growing in proportion. It was really neat to see and hear the heartbeat (158 bpm), see where the stomach and kidneys are, the bones in the arms and legs, etc. We will likely have a repeat in about 4 weeks. At that time we hope we will have a definitive answer about the gender. Today the tech said, with multiple disclaimers about how unsure he was and not to paint the nursery yet but if he had to guess, he'd guess it's a girl. Who knows though?? We will scan and upload the pictures this weekend. We got some good ones and a rather alien looking one and one with the baby throwing up a peace sign. :)

And in other good news... my insurance said no pre-authorization was needed for the CT scan, so I'm scheduled for that on May 5th. Thanks for your prayers about that! It also seems that the ovarian cyst has begun to shrink and they said they typically disappear by about 18-19 weeks. We love you all and while we wish we knew for sure what we are having, it's kind of a fun mystery. Things are changing daily with me, so I will probably put up more updates than there have been in the last few months, so keep checking in!

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