Monday, April 21, 2008

Doctor's appointment update

We had our appointment today. Seems like things are right on track. We got to hear the heartbeat... 165 bpm! No ultrasound today, but we are scheduled for a detailed ultrasound on Friday afternoon. Hopefully we will get to find out what we're having on Friday! The doctor is also getting me pre-authorized for a CAT scan to check for aneurysms in this trimester. They say that MRA scans have too much radiation to be safe, so a CAT scan is what we'll have to do. If you can pray for a speedy pre-authorization, we'd be so grateful. She said her last one took three months to get authorized and we don't want to wait that long. The scan is safest for the baby in the second trimester.

I lost 1/2 a pound this month, but it's not something she's worried about yet. Despite the lack of weight gain, my shape is certainly changing! I can't sit down comfortably in hardly any of my pants anymore, so I went ahead and bought a few maternity things. Hopefully they'll last me a while since they are pretty roomy right now. :)

I also got a new pillow that will hopefully help me be more comfortable at night. Sleep is elusive these days, and only going to get harder to find as I get bigger! I believe that my last day at work will be May 10th. We are moving to our summer schedule, which last year meant split shifts and 110+ degree weather. I don't think I'd cope well with that this year. Hopefully John's elbow will get better soon and we hope to be heading out of town by the end of May anyway. I am thinking that I will get the bracelet business back up and running now that I will have some more time. And hopefully it will help supplement our income.

Thank you for all your prayers and we will update you on Friday after our ultrasound appointment!


Jessica Jenkins said...

Maternity jeans here you come!

Lisa Foto said...

Thanks for the update and it is interesting that a prayer request is for more weight gain......You have been fortunate so far!! Let us know how your appointment goes on Friday. Love you!


Mary Spuhler said...

It is exciting to have updates on you, John, and the "little one!" Waiting for Friday's news!
