Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Baby Hudge!

We had our first appointment today. Things look good and the doctor says all is going well! We got to see the baby's heart beat for the first time and actually see the baby instead of a little black blob. :) I am battling a cold that has kept me from work for two days. But otherwise I am feeling fine. Eating really well and craving lots of protein. Without further ado... here is little Baby Hudgins!!

Baby is circled in this one. The other blob is what will become the placenta.


Jessica Jenkins said...

That's so cool! I don't know Amanda, I think it looks more like you...

Colleen Clapper said...

I agree with Jessica. I am very happy about this fact :).

I am so glad you guys heard the heartbeat and have the first picture of your baby! Enjoy!!!!!!!!


Tara & Dave said...

9 months from now you can look back at these pictures and remember when your baby looked like a peanut!

Looking forward to finding out the heartbeat so Dave can try to predict boy or girl!