Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More teeth!

Lainey is cutting some more teeth. We definitely have a molar popping through on the lower left side. We may also be getting the lower left eye tooth, but it's hard to tell with the redness and swelling from the molar. She was pretty grumpy and not very interested in eating for a few days, but now that the molar has popped through the gums, she's much happier.

She's picked up a few new phrases, like "hold it" as in, "I want to hold the whole bag of blueberries Mom, not just the few you give me." Or she'll say that when she wants to feed herself with the spoon or fork. She's getting really good at feeding herself these days as well. She fed herself about half of her macaroni and cheese last night. I was impressed! My favorite new phrase that she just started in the last few days is, "Hold you!" with her arms up. When she wants me to hold her, that's what she says. It's my favorite little kid thing. They don't understand pronouns yet, so instead of "Hold me," we get "Hold you!" So cute!

1 comment:

Erin said...

My niece (almost 3) always calls herself "you", too. At first Mike and I were so confused because she kept saying "You have a cookie?" or "You go outside to play?" and we thought she was asking US if WE wanted to do those things. So cute!