Friday, March 12, 2010

Fun with words

Lainey is turning into quite the conversationalist these days. While we were in California last week, she was putting on a show for all of her grandparents, aunts, and uncles. We had a great time. One day at my Mom's house, Lainey found Jasmine, my mom's cat, sleeping on the ottoman. She walked up to the ottoman, crossed her arms on top and rested her chin on her arms. Then says, "Hey Kitty, whatcha doin'? Takin' a nap?" I didn't get to witness it, but Grandma and Daddy said it was spoken very clearly and was very funny to watch.

Last week we were riding around the neighborhood in my next door neighbor's wagon with her twin girls. All three girls were having a great time. When it was time for us to go home, Julie dropped us off at our house. When Lainey got out of the wagon, Maisey started to cry. She wanted to come in too! Then Lainey did the same thing she did with Jasmine. Crossed her arms, rested her chin on her arms, all on the side of the wagon to be eye to eye with Maisey. "What's wrong? Whats-a-matter? You cryin'? You wanna eat?" I about died. It's so funny to watch her learn new things and surprise us with what is going on in her little mind. I can't wait to see and hear more moments like these.


Erin said...

I didn't know you had another blog (I just knew the other one that closed)! I'm so excited to be able to keep up with you three this way. Oh, I miss Lainey!

Amanda said...

Glad you found us! :)