Sunday, April 3, 2011

Oh dear

What to do with this kid...
Lainey is in the car with John while I am shopping. She's holding her doll and this is what she says:
"Look into my eyes. No! Look in my eyes. You're killing me."
John said he laughed for about five minutes. Her tone is impossible to share in this post, but the demonstration for me was hysterical.

Obviously I need to watch what I say. I've never said these words to her like this. We do make her look us in the eye when she's being told not to do something. And I've said you're killing me as an exasperated statement. I guess I didn't realize how well she was listening because on the days I've said that it's because she's not listening well at all. Ha!

1 comment:

Jessica Jenkins said...

Ha! I still remember when we were riding in the car a while ago and I asked her if she was a parrot and she says, 'Parrot!' I can't remember how old she was, but she was pretty little. So funny!