Saturday, November 13, 2010

T-minus 67 days to Brooke's due date

Holy cow this pregnancy seems to have flown by!! Am I ready? I've been asked that several times and the answer always seems to be the same. Yes... and no.

Am I ready physically? Yes. I'd love to be done with the pregnancy induced fatigue, the weird hormone swings, and the heartburn. I know that without pregnancy fatigue, I'll have new baby fatigue, but somehow that seems more fun. :)

Am I ready materially? Pretty much. We do still need a crib, but if she came today, she'd be in the pack'n'play anyway. Other than that, we really have all we need. I'm being blessed with two baby showers in the next few weeks and I'll be so thankful for the extra stuff. It will be nice to have some new things so that Brooke has some things all her own, but we really don't need much of anything.

How am I not ready? I'm not really ready for the prospect of managing a toddler that is used to being the center of attention and a newborn. When I hold other people's babies, she gets jealous and that's only for a few minutes! How is going to work when her sister is here all the time? She's also in the lovely stage of being a 2 year old. Meaning she doesn't listen to pretty much anything I ask her to do... or more specifically things she's told not to do. She's a good little girl most of the time, but she's really been testing the limits in the last few days.

I know that all of these things will work themselves out. And I'm not really too terribly worried about how, but it is on my mind. I just keep thinking about how fast 67 days will fly by, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas in the mix. Ready, set, go!

1 comment:

Renee Little said...

Hey Amanda!

I am super excited for your family as you prepare to welcome Brooke. I know this is a long awaited and prayed for moment to have her here. Just enjoy your time with Lainey. 2 is crazy huh?!? You have a smart little girl on your hands too! I love how quickly their vocabulary changes and grows. I love that they become aware of others emotions. Lainey will love her new just might take a few weeks to get used to a new schedule and everything that comes with a baby sister.

