Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lainey's Check-Up

Lainey had her two month appointment on Thursday. She weighs 10 pounds 6 ounces and is 23 inches long. Dr. Pham said that she's on the thinner side of the spectrum, but still quite healthy and gaining weight appropriately. She's also on the longer side. I think being tall and thin isn't so bad! :) She had her first shot... diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis combo (DTaP). Usually the doctor recommends giving two month olds a lot of other shots, but John and I are not comfortable pumping little ones with so much medicine. We are spacing Lainey's vaccines out, and skipping some of the ones that are either low risk for her right now (Hep B) or not life threatening (Rotavirus). I do not think there is a correlation between autism and vaccines (with scientific studies to explain why), but I do think that too many vaccines can be dangerous (not so scientific... mostly an anecdotal and common sense conclusion). If anyone is curious about which vaccines we are giving when and why, feel free to email or call me. I would be happy to explain.

Lainey gets cuter everyday if that's possible. She is smiling all the time and just a joy to be around. John has one more trip to take back home. He's leading worship for his Dad's church on Sunday night. When he gets back, I think the Daily Lainey will be updated more regularly. We finally feel mostly rested and have the house put back in order. More updates soon. For now it's time to hit the sack because Lainey's been asleep for over an hour... so I should be too!

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