Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We are planning to go Christmas caroling with some friends this weekend. There are going to be two kids, Lainey and Landon. Landon is 3 and knows a lot more Christmas songs that Lainey does. So we chose three songs to practice this week. So far, it's been very funny, but not very accurate. :) Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Jingle Bells, and Away in a Manger are our three songs. Lainey knows the tune for Hark, but won't sing the words. I just get a mishmash of Dees, Dahs, and Nahs to the tune. That's probably because the Peanuts Christmas album starts with the kids humming the song before they sing the words.

But the best so far has been her rendition of Jingle Bells. I'm trying my best to capture it on camera, but have been unsuccessful thus far. Here's how she sings it, "Tinkerbells, Tinkerbells, all the way in a manger." It's so funny! No matter how much I enunciate Jingle, she still says Tinker. We'll try again tomorrow for some video action. Hopefully she'll perform for us.


Jessica Jenkins said...

You're right, you DO need to get that on video. That's so funny!

Anonymous said...

Does that mean when she eventually learns "Jingle Bell Rock", we'll be singing "Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell Rock, Tinkerbell chime in Tinkerbell time, dancing and prancing in Tinkerbell square, in the frosty air!" Ya, Lainey! I say lets go with these new lyrics...uh, except maybe there's a problem when we get to "Giddy-up Tinkle horse pick up your feet, Tinkle around the clock...that don't sound too good. Heh heh. Uuum, maybe icksnay on inkerbelltay ockray. ;O)