Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Do you want to go to bed?

I used this threat tonight when Lainey didn't have her listening ears on. She was outside and it was time to come in. She didn't want to come inside. I've been trying to use counting to three less often as it has become a bit of a crutch, but I don't like just dropping a consequence without at least some kind of warning. So after asking her to come inside and telling her I needed her to listen, I pulled the bed card. "If you can't listen you'll have to go straight to bed. Do you want to go to bed?" The funny thing is, she said yes. So off to bed we went and she didn't complain once about the going to bed part. She lost out on helping feed the dogs dinner and that was a little upsetting to her, but she knows that she lost a "pivilege" for not listening. She's answered yes to this question one other time with the same result. That time was even more shocking though because we were at Pop-Pop and Noni's house and it was an hour before bed time. I never expect her to say yes, but I guess when you're tired, you're tired!

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