Brooke fell out of the car seat today. I was hurrying to help John with his costume for the Easter cantata. He was in the other room behind the church and I was in an office with Brooke. I unlatched the handle on her seat to move it to put her in and walk to where John was. I set her in there, but didn't buckle her because we were only moving rooms. I swung the handle up, grabbed the stuff I needed and then grabbed the handle of the car seat. It wasn't locked in place because I didn't pull it far enough forward. In a split second the seat flipped and Brooke was face down on the floor. I scooped her up in an instant to comfort her and when I pulled her away to look at her face, she was bleeding on the side of her nose and her nose was smashed to the side. I then realized she hit the metal pipe bottom of a keyboard stand. I was afraid of swelling that would block her airway and brain damage from the fall, so I ran out to find someone to take us to the hospital. I was so happy to see Deb, a nurse and friend, standing outside. She helped me to calm down and did a quick assessment. She thought Brooke would be fine, but she thought it was wise to get her checked at the ER. So she went with me. Poor John had no idea and we just left because I couldn't interrupt the play to tell him. Deb's husband did tell him when it was done though.
The CT scan was all normal. I asked to see it myself. Not that I know a lot about CT scans, but I saw a lot of them when my Mom was in the hospital. Brooke's nose is straight and her skull is all intact. Praise the Lord it's not worse than a scraped nose. She is a little swollen and I expect a black eye, but it could be worse. She is acting like her normal happy self.
I suggest buckling kids in when you move them, regardless of how far you might be going or whether or not you'll be in the car. You never know when this could happen and if they aren't in your arms, no quick reflexes will save them from falling. No one wants to feel how I am feeling today, let me tell you.