A few nights ago we were on our way out for a quick Culver's custard run. Lainey is doing really well with potty training at home. Out and about it's not as good, so we put a diaper on her to go to Culver's. As I lifted her into the car I could tell that she'd just peed. So I asked her why she didn't tell me she had to go and she could have gone on the potty. Her response? "No, I have a diaper." Ha! Why bother with the potty when you know you can just pee in your diaper? Sound logic I suppose.
Another funny thing that's become a recent trend is that most sentences from Lainey are now followed by, "OK?" As in, "Stay there Mommy, OK?" or "I can have some peaches, OK?" Apparently I say OK a lot and she's just repeating it back to me. I had to laugh though when she and I went out to visit our family in California a few weeks ago. We got up earlier than we are used to for the flight and then we ended up at my Dad's house for nap time. We stayed in Dylan's room (my step-brother). His room has a lot of windows and Lainey is used to sleeping in nearly complete darkness. I knew getting her down would be a challenge. I tried having her nap with me on the bed, but that just wasn't going well. I was very tired too and I was struggling not to drift off leaving her with free roam of a room filled with a drum set, fish tank, and push pins in the walls. I think Lainey knew I was tired. "Mommy, lay down your sleepy head, OK? It's been a long day. Close your eyes, OK?"
And last in the random list is to mention that Lainey has finally cut her eye teeth on the top. They are about halfway in and started their descent about a month ago. Her lower eye teeth are also threatening to make an appearance, but so far only the teeniest tip of one tooth is poking though. Who knows when the two year molars will decide to come in, but I've been told the longer teeth take to show up, the healthier they are!