Friday, August 15, 2008

30 weeks

We went to the doctor yesterday. Everything looks good! He said that Lainey is growing well and is really stretched out. She has herself stretched up under my ribcage on the right side which is occasionally uncomfortable for me. But we are doing well and feeling pretty good. I got a little overzealous cleaning on Monday and pulled an ab muscle. I was back to feeling good by Wednesday though. I didn't realize how careful I have to be since my abs are stretched and moved around. I didn't do anything overly strenuous in my opinion, but the doctor said that sometimes even too much vacuuming can overdo it for a pregnant woman. So we are taking it easy.

My friends in Arizona are throwing me a shower on Sunday. I'm pretty excited for that. And my shower in California is going to be in September. Any of you out of state family, the shower will be on Sunday Sept. 21 at 2:30. If you are planning to come to my dad's wedding on the 20th and can stretch your travel plans out, I would love to have you there!

Love you!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

29 weeks!

OK... here is the most recent picture of me. Taken yesterday at 29 weeks! We are growing!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

By request!

As requested... here's a picture of me. This was taken on July 9th which puts me at about 25 weeks, so I'm a bit bigger now than I was four weeks ago. But, hopefully I can get someone to snap a new one in the next few days. :)

The new doctor's office was much nicer than my last one. I did the glucose tolerance test and another CBC and all tests came out normally. The cool thing about this office is that they email me when my tests are done and they are posted on a website that I can log into. I can see all my lab values for myself, which I really like!

Lainey is growing fast. She seems to be constantly in motion, but of course she stops whenever I offer for someone to feel her kicking. :)